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Forms / Hyung

                  Hyung IL Bu (Form #1)

1.        Turn to the left 90 and Low Block.

2.        Step forward and Middle Punch.

3.        Turn 180 to the right and Low Block.

4.        Step forward and Middle Punch.

5.        Turn 90 to the left and Low Block.

6.        Step forward and Middle Punch.

7.        Step forward and Middle Punch.

8.        Step forward and Middle Punch. Ki-yup.

9.        Turn 270 to the left and Low Block.

10.      Step forward and Middle Punch.

11.      Turn 180 to the right and Low Block.

12.      Step forward and Middle Punch.

13.      Turn 90 to the left and Low Block.

14.      Step forward and Middle Punch.

15.      Step forward and Middle Punch.

16.      Step forward and Middle Punch. Ki-yup.

17.      Turn 270 to the left and Low Block.

18.      Step forward and Middle Punch.

19.      Turn 180 to the right and Low Block.

 20.     Step forward and Middle Punch. 

               Hyung Ee Bu (Form #2)                 

1.        Turn to the left 90 and Low Block.

2.        Step forward and High Punch.

3.        Turn 180 to the right and Low Block.

4.        Step forward and High Punch.

5.        Turn 900 to the left and Low Block.

6.        Step forward and High Defense.

7.        Step forward and High Defense.

8.        Step forward and High Defense.  Ki-yup.

9.        Turn 270 to the left and Low Block.

10.      Step forward and High Punch.

11.      Turn 1800 to the right and Low Block.

12.      Step forward and High Punch.

13.      Turn 90 to the left and Low Block.

14.      Step forward and High Defense.

15.      Step forward and High Defense.

16.      Step forward and High Defense.  Ki-yup.

17.      Turn 270 to the left and Low Block.

18.      Step forward and High Punch.

19.      Turn 180 to the right and Low Block.

20.      Step forward and High Punch.

                                                                                                      Hyung Sam Bu (Form #3)

1.       Turn to the left 90 and left arm Side Block. Fighting Stance.

2.       Straighten blocking arm, step forward and Middle Punch. Front                       Stance.

3.       Turn 180 to the right and right arm Side Block. Fighting Stance.

4.       Straighten blocking arm, step forward and Middle Punch. Front                       Stance.

5.       Turn 90 degrees to the left and do a left arm Low Block. Front Stance.

6.       Raise blocking arm parallel with floor, step forward while turning                    90 left and Middle Side Punch. Look down the arm. Horse-riding                    stance.

7.       Step in the direction of the punching arm, turn right 180 and Middle               Side Punch. Horse-riding stance.

8.       Step in the direction of the punching arm, turn left 180 and Middle                  Side Punch. Horse-riding stance. Ki-yup.

9.       Turn 180 to the left and one arm Side Block. Fighting Stance.

10.     Straighten blocking arm, step forward and Middle Punch. Front                      Stance.

11.     Turn 180 to the right and one arm Side Block. Fighting Stance.

12.     Straighten blocking arm, step forward and Middle Punch. Front                      Stance.

13.     Turn 90 to the left and Low Block. Front Stance.

14.     Raise blocking arm parallel with floor, step forward while turning                    90 left and Middle Side Punch, look down the arm. Horse-riding                    stance.

15.     Step in the direction of the punching arm, turning right 180 and                     Middle Side Punch. Horse-riding stance.

16.     Step in the direction of the punching arm, turn left 180 and Middle                  Side Punch. Horse-riding stance. Ki-yup.

17.     Turn 180 to the left and one arm Side Block. Fighting Stance.

18.     Straighten blocking arm, step forward and Middle Punch. Front                     Stance.

19.     Turn 180 to the right and one arm Side Block. Fighting Stance.

20.     Straighten blocking arm, step forward and Middle Punch. Front                     Stance.

Pyung Ahn

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