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The following terms represent general information which all students should become familiar with in order to gain a better understanding of class conduct and the philosophies of their Tang Soo Do training.


General Terminology

TANG SOO DO – The name of our martial art meaning Defense/Strike with the way of the worthy hand.


MOO DUK KWAN – Organization or “Military” of brotherhood in training to prevent inner and out conflict.  Literally-“Moo” meaning military;  “Duk” meaning knowledge; “Kwan meaning school.


CHOONG JAE NIM – Chun Sik Kim, President & Founder of the International Tang Soo Do Federation.


SA BOM (NIM) – Master Instructor, Senior Dan member 4th Degree or above.  Title of high respect, indicated by a Midnight Blue belt with a red stripe lengthwise through the center.  Requires intense training and special testing.


KYO SA (NIM) – Certified “Teacher” or Instructor of Tang Soo Do.  Requires special testing for International Tang Soo Do Federation Registration.


SUN BEH – Senior Member


HU BEH – Junior Member


DAN – Degree, holder of Midnight Blue (black) belt.


KO DAN JA – Senior Dan Member


YU DAN JA – Junior Dan Member


CHO DAN BO – Black Belt Canadate


GUP – Grade, holder of color belt under Midnight Blue.


YU GUP JA – Gup Holder


KWAN WON – Student member


CHO BA JA – Beginner


DO JANG – Training Hall/gym


DO BAK – Training uniform.


DEE – Belt


KO MAP SUM NI DA – Thank you.




Commands in Training


CHA RYUT – Attention.


KUK GI BAY RAY – Salute the flag.


BA RO – Return.


ANJOH – Sit.


MUK NYUM – Meditation.


BA RO – Return.




CHOONG JAE NIM KAY KYUNG RET – bow to Chong Jae (Nim) Chun Sik Kim, President & Founder of the International Tang Soo Do Federation.


SA BOM NIM KAY KYUNG RET – Bow to the Sa Bom Nim.


KYO SA NIM KAY KYUNG RET – Bow to the Instructor.


SAHNG HO KWAN NE KYUNG RET – Bow to each other.


SHI-JOCK – Begin.


SHIO – Relax.


TORA – Turn.


DWEE RO TORA – Turn to the rear.


CHOON BEE – Ready position.


KYO DEH – Change position.


BAL CHA KI CHOON BEE – Ready for kicking.





General Terms in Training



GI CHO – Basic                                                                  

HYUNG – Forms

DEH RYUN – Sparring

HO SIN SUL – Self-Defense

KYOK PA – Breaking

SOO GI – Hand Technique

JOK GI – Foot Technique

MAHK KEE – Block


HA DAN – Low Part

CHOONG DAN – Middle Part

SANG DAN – High Part

AHP – Front

YUP – Side

DWI – Back

CHA GI – Kick

KI HAP – ‘’Spirit Breath’’ – Yell

O RIN – Right

WEN – Left




Numbers and Counting


KU RYUNG – To count.

KU RYUNG E MAT CHO SO – By the count.

KY RYUNG UP SHI – Without count.

Korea has two systems of counting.  The Korean system and a system adopted from the Chinese called the Sin-Korean. Both are in use, but are used to count different things.



English                                                                                            Korean                                                                     Sino-Korean                                                                                         


1                                                                                                     Hana                                                                               il                                                                                                                 

2                                                                                                      dul                                                                                 e


3                                                                                                      set                                                                                 sam


4                                                                                                      net                                                                                 sa


5                                                                                                      dasot                                                                              o


6                                                                                                      yosot                                                                              yuk


7                                                                                                      ilgop                                                                                ch' il


8                                                                                                      yodul                                                                               P' al


9                                                                                                      ahop                                                                                ku


10                                                                                                    yol                                                                                   sip






                                                                                                                  Numbers and Counting (continued)


English                                                                                              Sino-Korean                                                                       Korean                                                    

20                                                                                                            I sip                                                                            Summul

30                                                                                                           Sam sip                                                                        Sorhum

40                                                                                                           Sa sip                                                                           Ma hun

50                                                                                                            O sip                                                                             Swin










Abdomen                 Dan Jun                                                                                                 Hand                                           Sohn or Soo                       Ankle                       Pal Mok                                                                                                Hair                                             Mori

Arm                         P'al                                                                                                       Heart                                           Shim Jang 

Back                       Tung                                                                                                      Heel                                            T'ok  

Bone                        Pyo                                                                                                       Knee                                           Mu Rup

Chest                       Ka Sum                                                                                                 Leg                                             Tari or Dari

Chin                         Tuk                                                                                                       Mouth                                          Ip

Collar Bone               Swe gol                                                                                                 Neck                                           Mok

Ear                           Kwi                                                                                                       Nose                                           K'o

Elbow                       Pal Coop                                                                                               Solar Plexis                                 Myung Chi 

Eye                          Nun                                                                                                      Shoulders                                     O' Kae

Finger                       Sohn  Ka Rak                                                                                        Toes                                            Bahl Ga Rok

Fist                          Chu Mok                                                                                                Waist                                          Hur Ri

Foot                         Bahl                                                                                                      Wrist                                            Son Mok                           Forehead                  Eema                                                                                                    Between The Nose & Mouth           In Choong

Groin                        Ko Whan





Basic Hand Movements (Soo Gi)


CHUNG KWON – Forefist

KAP KWON – Backfist

SOO DO – Knife Hand

YUK SOO DO – Ridge Hand

KWAN SOO – Spear Hand

JANG KWAN – Heel of Palm

HA DAN MAHK KEE – Low Block, Front Stance

CHOONG DAN KONG KYUCK – Middle Punch, Front Stance

SANG DAN KONG KYUCK – High Punch, Front Stance

SANG DAN MAHK KEE – High Block, Front Stance

AHNESO PHAKU RO MAHK KEE – Inside/Outside Block, Front Stance

PHAKESO AHNU RO MAHK KEE – Outside/Inside Block, Front Stance

WHEN JIN KONG KYUCK – Side Punch, Horse Stance

CHUN GUL SSANG SOO MAHK KEE – Two Fist Middle Block, Front Stance

HU GUL SSANG SOO MAHK KEE – Two Fist Middle Block, Fighting Stance

HU GUL YUP MAHK KEE – Side Block, Fighting Stance

SSANG SOO HA DAN MAHK KEE – Two Fist Low Block (x-block), Front  Stance

HU GUL SSANG SOO HA DAN MAHK KEE – Two Fist Low Block, Fighting Stance

HU GUL HA DAN MAHK KEE – Low Block, Fighting Stance

HU GUL SANG DAN MAHK KEE – High Block, Fighting Stance

HA DAN SOO DO MAHK KEE – Low Knife Hand Block, Fighting Stance

CHOONG DAN SOO DO MAHK KEE – Middle Knife Hand Block, Fighting Stance

KWAN SOO KONG KYUCK – Spear Hand Attack, Front Stance

YUK JIN KONG KYUCK – Reverse Punch, Fighting Stance

TORA CHOONG DAN KONG KYUCK – Reverse Punch, Front Stance

YUK SOO – Defense Punch, Front Stance

YUK SOO DO KONG KYUCK – Ridge Hand Attack, Front Stance



**Note** The term ‘’Tora” meaning reverse, can be applied to all of the above techniques. Tora, meaning the movement of the opposite hand and foot, simultaneously. 





Kicking Techniques (Jok Gi)


AHP PODO OLL RI GI – Front Stretch Kick

AHP CHA NUT GI – Front Snap Kick

AHP CHA GI – Front Snap Kick

UP PODO OLL RI GI – Side Stretch Kick

YUP CHA GI – Side Snap Kick

BIT CHA GI – Two o’clock or Ten o’clock Front Kick to the Side Direction

DULL RYO CHA GI – Round House Kick

DWI CHA GI – Back Snap Kick

DWI DULL RYO CHA GI – Back Spinning Kick

AHNESO PHAKU RO CHA GI – Inside/Outside Crescent Hook Kick

PHAKESO AHNURO CHA GI – Outside/Inside Crescent Hook Kick

YUP HU RI GI – Side Hook Kick

MU RUP CHA GI – Knee Kick



E-DAN – Jumping

E-DAN AHP CHA GI – Jump Front Kick

E-DAN YUP CHA GI – Jump Side Kick

E-DAN DWI CHA GI – Jump Back Kick

E-DAN DULL RYO CHA GI – Jump Round Kick

E-DAN DWI DULL RYO CHA GI – Jump Back Spinning Kick

E-DAN DULL RYO DWI CHA GI – Jump 360°Back Kick


Hyung (Forms)


Forms are a key element for the progression of out Tang Soo Do Training. It is only natural that basic techniques be transformed into groups of motions which will ultimately prepare our bodies and minds for the realities of defensive conflict. Basic forms consist of single blocks, kicks, and punches patterned to develop control, balance, timing, power, and speed. As forms progress, they are increasingly complex in the combinations of patterns and the application of advance techniques. Perfect form, the union of the mind and body, is truly and art, and the practioner should train with sincerity and a deep commitment to this ideal.


**Refer to the “Promotional Requirements” section of this manual for the Hyung requirement for each Gup level of training. 




Deh Ryun (Sparring)

IL SOO SIK DEH RYUN – One-Step Sparring

SAM SOO SIK DEH RYUN – Three-Step Sparring

JA YU DEH RYUN – Free Sparring

JUA DEH RYUN – Sparring From a Sitting Position

WA DEH RYUN – Sparring in a Lying Down Position

BONG DEH RYUN – Stick Sparring

DA SOO IN DEY RYUN – Sparring Against Two or More

TOOK SOO DEH RYUN – Special Sparring

DAN DO DEH RYUN – Short Knife Sparring

SIL CHAY DEH RYUN – Full Contact Sparring

GUN NUHN DEH RYUN – Non-Contact Sparring


Tournament Terminology


SHI JOCK – Start of the Match

GU MAN – Temporary Stop

KAY SOK (SHI JOCK) – Resume Match

SUN SOO EEP JANG – Ordering Contestants to the Ring

SUN SOO WI CHI JUNG NEE – Ordering Contestants to Their Fixed Positions

SHI GAN – Signaling the Timekeeper to Take Time

HAN JOM – One Point

DU JOM – Two Points

SHE JOM – Three Points

E SANG – The End of the Match

BECK (White) or HONG (Red) SOONG – Victory to the Red or White

SHIM SA – Judgment

BEE GIM – A DRAWYONG JANG JON – No Extending the Time of the Match

MOO JOM – No Point


KYONG GO – Warning

SIL JAE DEH RYUN – Contact Sparring

GUN NUN DEH RYUN – Non-Contact Sparring

JA KYOK SAN SHIL – Disqualified

BOOT JAP UM – Holding

SUNG JA – Winner

PAH JA – Loser


**Use of these terms will vary from tournament to tournament. Pay close attention to your Judges and Referees at all times to assure proper understanding of tournament procedures. 











"Do" the way!​

"VIRTUE" behavior showing high moral standards.goodness, virtuousness, righteousnessmoralityintegritydignity,rectitudehonordecencyrespectabilitynobility, worthiness, purity, principles, ethics


The circulating life energy that in Chinese philosophy is thought to be inherent in all things;




Closed Sunday




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Fort Wayne In 46804


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